Overal Rating:
★★★★★ 4.89/5.0

TEDSPLANS – TedsWoodworking – Highest converting woodworking site on the Internet! does this really work? Here we talk about TRUENESS AND QUALITY, its applications, volume of projects, pros and cons of the material and much more…

Read until the end and decide for yourself!

By Dr. Vicent Calderon (Reading Time: 10 Minutes)

Ted’s Woodworking Plans is one of the most comprehensive and popular woodworking programs available today. Created by Ted McGrath, an experienced woodworker and educator with over 20 years in the field, this program is designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned professionals looking to enhance their skills and create amazing woodworking projects.

The biggest highlight of Ted’s Woodworking is its vast collection of 16,000 detailed plans, covering a wide range of projects. From small decorative items to sophisticated home furniture, outdoor structures such as garden benches, dog houses, sheds, and even more complex builds, everything is presented in a clear and accessible manner.

Each plan includes step-by-step instructions, detailed diagrams, materials lists, and the necessary tools, making execution simple and hassle-free. Additionally, the projects are organized by category, allowing users to quickly find exactly what they need.

Another major advantage of the program is its accessibility, enabling anyone, regardless of skill level, to follow the instructions and create their own pieces. With this course, even those who have never used woodworking tools before can start their journey with confidence.

If you’re looking for an effective and practical way to learn woodworking or expand your knowledge in the field, Ted’s Woodworking Plans might be the perfect solution to turn your ideas into reality.

So in this 10-minute review of TEDSPLANS – TedsWoodworking, I will give you the truth about TEDSPLANS – TedsWoodworking, including:

Place your Order with 91% OFF on the Official TEDSPLANS -TedsWoodworking Website! (BIG DISCOUNT TODAY)

  • First, I think it’s essential to identify precisely why this can be a useful product.

    For a beginning woodworker access to a lot of different quality woodworking plans can be very helpful.

    1. It helps you visualize possibilities and give you a clearer idea of what you might want to make for yourself.
    2. Looking through a lot of different plans of different types helps you envision the whole process and give you design ideas.
    3. You will learn to compare and contrast the good and bad when you see a wide variety of project plans.

In my search for woodworking plans, I have been very frustrated by the “Free” plans available through dozens of different websites.

On many websites, you will find the plans offered for free will lead you to the Ted’s Woodworking Plans site, or one of the similar spin-off products that copied Ted’s plans.

Other frustrations I have encountered have been finding what appears to be a reputable website. Still, to even look at an example of a woodworking plan, you have to purchase $40 or $100 per year membership. Some of these memberships only allow you to download 2 to 4 woodworking plans per year!

Searching for plans has cost me many wasted hours that I would rather have used building something.

Special Offer Today: 91% OFF + IMMEDIATE ACCESS!

Please keep reading now as I tell you all about my purchase of Ted’s Woodworking Plans.

Once you make your purchase from Ted’s woodworking plans, you’ll receive an e-mail from Clickbank that has a big green button that will take you to your Ted’s Woodworking Digital Product. 

Ted’s woodworking plans are sold in a digital format. You download them onto your computer, and then you can open them and print them as you need.

Helpful Hint: Almost all “one-time offers” that say “this is your last chance” are not telling you the truth. They want to sell you stuff, and Ted’s Woodworking is no different. The upgrade offers you will get at first will be provided later for a much more significant discount, so please be aware!

When you are purchasing Ted’s Woodworking plans, they have a very exuberant sales page. There is a lot of information offered with these additional purchase options. But I will talk about that a bit later. For this review, though, I only purchased the basic 16,000 Woodworking Plans offer with the associated Bonus Materials. When you get to the membership page, you will get an opportunity to buy the upgrades again, with the same “one time only” offer you saw before.

All of the digital products are available for download. You can also purchase a one or two DVD set (Upgrade Edition) and have it mailed to you if you want to have a copy in that format.

So What You are Waiting for?
Place your Order with 91% OFF on the Official TEDSPLANS – TedsWoodworking Website!


Ted's plans are truly incredible

Ted’s Woodworking Plans are a compilation of woodworking plans collected from several different sources.

The material covers projects ranging from a small stool to larger and more sumptuous projects such as furniture and houses.

The plans are of high quality and well defined and understandable even for laypeople who have become interested in the subject.

Some of the plans appear to be boxed furniture assembly instructions.

I am convinced that the 16,000 plans included have the same quality as I evaluated around 50% of the projects and this quality was maintained throughout.

In some cases, a theme is used to group the plans.

In others, plans are in one large .pdf file, and then you have to open yet another .pdf file that has the index so you can know where to go back and find a plan in the first .pdf.

Is that Confusing? …Yes!

And it is aggravating because you can create .pdf’s with an index that links to different locations within the same document.

Ted didn’t think to take the time to help his customers in this way.

Another problem here is you can’t be sure what the project looks like because the table of contents has no photos.

The index has very generic titles like “bookcase” so:

  • You won’t know what it looks like until you take the time to open the other file and find it.
  • The download page does give you instructions for using the Control F and Command F search functions on Mac and PCs.

It doesn’t help much since you will need to know what you are looking for exactly, without knowing what to call it.

The bonus materials are excellent.
These downloadable articles are often very long and tiring. They provide elementary information for simple understanding. Ted was brilliant at writing it all down. I really think Ted is predestined.

All articles were read and contain extremely valuable and interesting information for the development of activities.

Some articles are free information from the US Department of Employment Security. However, the vast majority of articles, from the briefest to the most complex, are useful, with images that will give you a complete understanding of the subject.

So What You are Waiting for?
Place your Order with 91% OFF on the Official TEDSPLANS – TedsWoodworking Website!


Easy to read with understandable images: The vast majority of plans are easy to read, have images of reasonable quality (they can be scanned from old books and magazines).
List of basic guidance materials so you can start your activities. Following the projects step by step is extremely useful and effective.
Plans generally list the tools needed to execute that project, but most require careful reading of the procedures to determine what is needed.
Step-by-step assembly instructions: Most of the plans I saw had a step-by-step flow, but with quality photos or images that made sense of the steps.
There may be certain projects that require a more skilled and/or experienced professional in the area to execute them, however we need to point out that there are 16,000 projects. Typically, you will have to research the project, open the pdf, and read all the instructions to make this decision yourself.
So there you have it, Ted’s woodworking plans prove to be easy to use and really of very good quality.

If your goal is just to have an extensive resource of plans to give you ideas, then perhaps this product could be useful.

Special Offer Today: 91% OFF + IMMEDIATE ACCESS !

Is Ted’s Guarantee for Real?

Ted offers a 60 day no questions asked guarantee. Here’s a quote from the Ted’s Woodworking FAQ’s:

When you place your order with us, you will connect to ClickBank through a secure server, which makes it virtually impossible for a hacker to intercept your information.

And the 60-day money-back guarantee is my personal promise to you. If you don’t like it for any reason, just drop me an email, and I will refund you the full amount within 48 hours or less.

There will be no questions, no fine print, no B.S”

I requested a refund on Friday, Nov 9th. Ted’s customer service responded on Nov 10th with an offer to send me the 2 DVD’s for Free instead of the Refund.

  • I Replied on Nov 12th that I just wanted a refund.
  • The refund was processed by Nov. 14.



                               Testimony about product quality

Got Questions?

How do i get access to the plans? Is it something sent to my house?

We’re in the digital age and one of the things I’m really excited about is how we deliver this program.

So the way it works is you’re going to enter your credit card information on the next page. After that, you’ll get instant access to the package. It’s kind of a membership site, but don’t worry about a monthly membership fee or anything like that.

You will pay only once and that’s all you pay. There’s no additional charges, no hidden charges, no nothing like that.

For a small fee I will also ship worldwide, the DVDs of all the plans and bonuses.

I don’t have any space for a workshop. Will this still work for me?

Fact is, you don’t need a large space or expensive tools to build many of the projects. I started off with a 7×8 size workshop and many of my best pieces came from that shop.

I’ve included many small mobile workbenches you can build right away as well. Many of my plans do not require professional machinery or even a router.

I can’t afford tools or materials to build my project

If that’s the case… this is perfect for you… because you will learn exactly what you need to build a project you’re interested in. So there’s no wasting your money on tools you won’t use. Just buy exactly what I tell you and follow my instructions. Then move onto the next and buy the new tools you need (if any)… Simple and cost effective!

Dr. and Researcher Vincent Calderon


Contrary to many reviews on the Internet, Ted’s Woodworking Plans are NOT a scam. Scam defined as they take your money, you get nothing and can’t get a refund.

I really think that Ted’s Plans have EXCELLENT value and that the vast majority analyzed by us are easy to understand and simple to execute.

I found Ted’s customer service to be very good and exactly as advertised, with the exception that they offered the free DVD before giving me the refund information.

The email they sent after my refund request included helpful step-by-step instructions on how to get a refund through Clickbank (the platform this digital product is sold on).

If you want to check out Ted’s woodworking plans, I can safely say that you can click on the links above and make your purchase without being “scammed”.

Clickbank is a very reliable marketplace for digital products. It is in your best interest to ensure that all of your suppliers (like Ted’s Woodworking) fulfill their warranties.

I was very inspired by writing this review. I hope you found the real value in this.

Stay tuned for my next post where I look at some great woodworking plans for beginners!

Please leave me a comment if you have any experience with the product, or even if you just want to say hi!

Health & Peace!